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Retail Customer Representative Academy

Project of “Retail Customer Representative Academy” has been prepared for Monetary Assistance of Development of Human Resources that was announced by Middle Blacksea Development Agency.This project will be implemented for a period of 12 months and will be given a grant support of 64.288,38 TL which is equal to 90% of the budget, by Middle Blacksea Development Agency. The first period courses of the project had been started July 3, 2012 with the opening meeting.

Totally 50 people will be trained in the 2 period of trainings including 18 titles and 348 hours in total. Titles of the trainings are; Sales Techniques, Effective Communication Techniques, Techiques For Being a Professional Sale Representative, Creativity, Negotation and Conflict Management, Body Signals, Diction, Customer Relationship Management, Motivation, Surveying Customer Satisfaction, Business Discipline and Time Management, Team Work, Human Resorces Management, Happy Business Life, Store Field Management and Arrangement Exposure, Personal Care, Consumer Rigts and Arbitration Committee, Microsoft Office Programmes.

Phone : +90 (362) 432 36 26
Fax : +90 (362) 432 90 55
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Address : Yenimahalle Mah. 839.Sokak No:120 CANİK / SAMSUN
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TOBB - Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey Blacksea Enterprise Europe Network Samsun EU Info Center Rekabet Kurumu
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Kapasite Raporu Geçerlilik Süre Uzatımı
TOBB Yönetim Kurulu kararı ile; Sanayi Bilgi Sistemi’ne işlerlik kazandırılması sürecinde oluşabilecek firma mağduriyetlerinin önlenmesi için tedbir amaçlı olarak, geçerlilik süresi 15 Ekim 2024 ile 31 Aralık 2024 tarihleri arasında sona erecek olan kapasite raporları ve yerli malı belgelerinin geçerlilik süreleri 31 Aralık 2024 tarihine uzatılmıştır. Detay için tıklayınız.