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Murzioğlu Celebrated the Brands That Are Prides for Samsun
Salih Zeki Murzioğlu- Chairman of Samsun TSO congratulated 6 companies from Samsun for their success, which had their names included in the list of Turkey's Top 500 Largest Industrial Organizations for net sales from production according to the results of the 2020 report announced by ISO.
 26 Mayıs, 2021

Salih Zeki Murzioğlu- Chairman of Samsun TSO congratulated 6 companies from Samsun for their success, which had their names included in the list of Turkey's Top 500 Largest Industrial Organizations for net sales from production according to the results of the 2020 report announced by ISO. Murzioğlu stated that 6 companies from Samsun managed to enter the list of 500 Largest Industrial Enterprises of the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) from production to net sales and congratulated the companies. Murzioğlu reminded that just 3 companies had been entered the list last year and said “This year, 6 of our companies from Samsun managed to enter the list. In the announced report,

Salih Zeki Murzioğlu- Chairman of Samsun TSO congratulated 6 companies from Samsun for their success, which had their names included in the list of Turkey's Top 500 Largest Industrial Organizations for net sales from production according to the results of the 2020 report announced by ISO.

Murzioğlu stated that 6 companies from Samsun managed to enter the list of 500 Largest Industrial Enterprises of the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) from production to net sales and congratulated the companies. Murzioğlu reminded that just 3 companies had been entered the list last year and said “This year, 6 of our companies from Samsun managed to enter the list. In the announced report,

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Russian Ministry of Foreign Trade Delegation is at Samsun CCI Russian Ministry of Foreign Trade Delegation is at Samsun CCI
27 Kasım, 2023
A delegation from the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade from Russia met with Samsun CCI Chairman of the Board of Directors Salih Zeki Murzioğlu and held a consultation meeting. The Russian Federation Delegation was including Roman Chekushov, Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Licensing in the Field of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, Dmitry Belan, Head of the Department of Interaction with Companies Exporting Industrial Products, and Daria Ermakova, Deputy Head of the Department of International Cooperation Development of the Department of International Cooperation and Licensing in the Field of Foreign Trade of Russia. Investment invitation from Murzioğlu The Russian Federation Delegation, including Investment Site Services Manager of the Presidential Investment Office of the Republic of Turkey, Zahid Tuncel, and Presidential Investment Office Analyst Talha İnanç, met with Samsun CCI Chairman of the Board of Directors Salih Zeki Murzioğlu and Management Members. At the meeting where investment and cooperation opportunities were discussed, Samsun CCI Chairman Salih Zeki Murzioğlu gave information about the city's economy, industry and export potential, as well as its prominent sectors. Emphasizing that the commercial relations of the two neighboring countries are increasing day by day, Murzioğlu stated that future collaborations will provide significant contributions to the people of both countries and said that they, as the Chamber, are ready to contribute to the steps to be taken. Murzioğlu also invited Russian business people to invest in Samsun. Stating that they are happy to be in Samsun, Roman Chekushov, Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Licensing in the Field of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, said that they will do their best to further develop economic relations.  
Investment Call from Kosovo Mayor Investment Call from Kosovo Mayor
27 Kasım, 2023
Kosovo Gilan Mayor Alban Hysen, who came together with Samsun CCI Chairman of the Board of Directors Salih Zeki Murzioğlu and Parliament Speaker Haluk Akyüz, invited business people from Samsun to invest. Kosovo Gilan Mayor Alban Hysen and his accompanying delegation visited Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry and met with the Chairman of the Board of Directors Salih Zeki Murzioğlu and the Speaker of the Assembly Haluk Akyüz. Expressing his satisfaction to be in Samsun, Mayor Alban Hysen gave information about the city he presides over. Taxes are very low Stating that they want to develop cultural, commercial and economic relations with Samsun, Hysen said, “The city of Gilan, of which I am the president, is the fifth largest city in Kosovo. Our geographical location is very good. We have very good relations with Türkiye from the past. We want to further strengthen these relationships. We are a municipality that attaches great importance to education and economy and we have a young population. We reduced taxes to almost zero to bring investment to our city. Our request from you is to bring business people to our city and show them the opportunities there. "I invite business people from Samsun to invest through you," he said. Murzioğlu: “We will work to improve cooperation” During the visit where bilateral cooperation was discussed, Samsun CCI Chairman Salih Zeki Murzioğlu gave information about the city's economy, industry and export potential, as well as its prominent sectors. Murzioğlu also stated that they will do their best to improve relations and cooperation between the two countries. After the visit, Murzioğlu and Akyüz presented a souvenir to Mayor Hysen.
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Vergi Mükellefiyetinin Terkin Olması Nedeniyle Üyeliği Askıya Alınan Firmaların Oda Kayıtlarının Silinmesi Hakkında Bilgilendirme
Sayın Üyemiz, Oda sicil kayıtlarımızda vergi mükellefiyet durumları “terk” olarak gözüken üyeler; 5174 sayılı Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği ile Odalar ve Borsalar Kanunu’ nun 3. bölümünde yer alan Oda, Borsa ve Birlik organları seçimlerine katılma niteliklerinin belirtildiği 83. maddesinin f fıkrasında yer alan “Ticari ve sınai kazanç dolayısıyla gelir veya kurumlar vergisi mükellefi olmak” ibaresi uyarınca, vergi mükellefiyeti olmayan ve / veya vergi mükellefi olduğu bilgisini Odamıza iletmemiş üyelerimiz Odamız seçimlerinde seçme seçilme hakkına sahip olmayacaklardır. Ayrıca, 5174 sayılı Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği ile Odalar ve Borsalar Kanunu Oda Muamelat Yönetmeliği’nin 14. Maddesinin birinci paragrafındaki “Odalar, Kanunun 10 uncu maddesi uyarınca her yılın Ocak ayında üye kayıtlarını güncelleştirir. Buna göre; vergi mükellefiyetinin terkin edildiği tespit edilen veya içinde bulunulan yıldan önceki ikinci yılın Ocak ayının ilk gününden, güncelleştirme işleminin yapılacağı ana kadar adres ve durumları tespit edilemeyenler ya da bu süre zarfında tahakkuk eden aidat borçlarını ödemeyenlerin üyeliği yönetim kurulu kararıyla askıya alınır.” Aynı yönetmeliğin yedinci paragrafındaki “Vergi mükellefiyetinin terkin edildiğinin tespiti nedeniyle üyeliği askıya alınanlardan, üyeliğinin askıya alınmasına ilişkin yönetim kurulu kararını takip eden yılbaşından itibaren iki yıl içerisinde vergi mükellefiyeti yeniden tesis edilmeyenler 6102 sayılı Kanun ve Ticaret Sicili Yönetmeliği çerçevesinde gerekli işlemlerin yapılması için yönetim kurulunun teklifi ve meclisin kararıyla ilgili ticaret sicili müdürlüğüne bildirilir. Bu bildirimi takip eden ayın ilk günü itibarıyla oda kayıtları silinmiş sayılır.”Hükmü uyarınca vergi mükellefiyet durumunun “terk” olması nedeniyle üyeliği askıya alınanların Oda üyeliği süreç sonunda silinecektir. Kayıtlarımızda vergi mükellefiyet durumu “terk” olarak gözüken ancak fiilen “faal” olan üyelerin veya kayıt silme süreci sonuna kadar geçecek olan zamanda faaliyete geçen üyelerin, Gelir İdaresi Başkanlığı’nın web sitesinden ( temin edilecekleri vergi mükellefiyet durum belgesini adresinden Odamıza ivedi olarak bildirmeleri gerekmektedir. Firmanızın faaliyeti devam etmiyorsa Ticaret Sicili Müdürlüğü’nde tescille kapanış işlemlerinizi yaptırmanız gerekmektedir. Saygılarımızla... Detay için tıklayınız.