Date 24.10.2003 and numbered 25269 T. C. Official Gazette, No. 4982 "Right to Information Act" and with regard to the implementation of the Law on April 27, 2004 and numbered 25445 TC Official Gazette No. 2004/7189 on "Right to Information Regulation on Principles and Procedures for the Implementation of the Law" was published.
No. 4982 in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, our Rooms for applications to be made on issues related to "Information" Our service will provide needed services.
For information on matters relating to our room within the scope specified in the regulations and conditions, you can apply the information in writing or electronically to the Acquisition Unit.
Application to be made by electronic mail and faxes, Information Application Forms that are not filled in accordance with the principles and procedures set forth in yapılmalıdır.yönetmelik filled or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Any information and research for the first ten pages of the document, review, print, scan and copy fee will be charged.
- For information and each page of the document from the first ten pages later, depending on demand, black-and-white print, scan and copy at 50 pages per Cent; colored print, scan and 1 Turkish Lira per page fee will be charged for copying.
- Other expenses and other cost factors, but also by our Chamber will be identified.